Connect with your Arch/Diocesan Council

Cairns Diocesan Council
About Us
The Diocesan Council develops policy from input from the local associations and collaborates and cooperates with the Arch/bishop, Catholic education authorities and schools. It provides support, information, guidance and encouragement to the local associations and education authorities, plans and organises seminars and conferences and supports the work of the Federation. Each local Association is urged to actively participate in the Diocesan Council. Each school is entitled to representation by two delegates. Observers are also welcome. If you are a member of the Executive of your school PandF Association and you would like to be on the email mailing list, please contact the Catholic School Parents-Diocese of Cairns Council at
Click here for the Cairns Diocesan Council Constitution
General diocesan council email:
Diocesan Council contacts:
Diana Sheedy | St Andrew's College Redlynch |
Charmaine Stevens | Catholic School Parents Queensland |
Click here for the Cairns Catholic Education Office website
Townsville Diocesan Council
About Us
The Townsville Diocese has 29 Catholic schools including 18 primary school, 5 secondary school / colleges, 1 P-9 school and 5 P-12 Colleges. We cover a geographical area that extends from Proserpine north to Ingham, including Townsville and west to Mt Isa.
Each local Parents & Friends (P&F)/parent group is urged to actively participate in regular Diocesan Council meetings, decisions and strategic planning. Each school is entitled to representation by two delegates, with observers welcome.
Catholic School Parents Queensland (CSPQ) – Diocese of Townsville, endeavours to support the Townsville Diocese by:
- Actively supporting family engagement activities to encourage a greater connection to a child’s learning and well being
- Referring local P&Fs/parent groups directly to CSPQ for specific support or concerns
- Improving the flow of information between parents and the peak bodies that work with and represent catholic school families at diocesan, state and national levels
- Liaising with the Bishop, Townsville Catholic Education Office (TCEO), local P&Fs/parent groups and schools to develop policies when required
Contributing to the values and outcomes of the TCEO Strategic Direction 2022-2026
Each local association and/or parent engagement network is urged to actively participate in regular Diocesan Council meetings, decisions and strategic planning. Each school is entitled to representation by two delegates, with observers welcome.
Click here for the Townsville_Diocesan_Constitution.pdf
Click here to review the Townsville Diocesan Councils Strategic Plan.pdf
Diocesan Council Contacts:
Andrea Bliss | Ryan Catholic College |
Charmaine Stevens | Catholic School Parents Queensland |
For further information about the Townsville Diocesan council please email
Click here for the Townsville Catholic Education Office website
Rockhampton Diocesan Council
About Us
The Rockhampton Diocesan Council supports the 29 Primary and 8 Secondary school P&F Associations in our Diocese. We cover the area from Bundaberg north to Mackay and out west to Longreach.
We aim to do the following:
- Provide guidance and encouragement to the local P&F associations
- Actively support and assist schools with parent education
- Keep schools up to date with Diocesan, State and Federal issues
- Liaise with the Catholic Education office.
Click here for the Rockhampton Diocesan Constitution
Diocesan Council contact:
Bernadette Kay | Catholic School Parents Queensland |
Diocesan Council general email address:
Click here for the Rockhampton Diocesan Catholic Education Office website
Toowoomba Diocesan Council
About us
The Diocesan Council develops policy from input from the local associations and collaborates and cooperates with the Bishop, Catholic Education authorities and schools. It provides support, information, guidance and encouragement to the local associations and education authorities, plans and organises seminars and conferences and supports the work of the Federation. Each local Association is urged to actively participate in the Diocesan Council. Each school is entitled to representation by two delegates and observers.
Click here for the Toowoomba Diocesan Constitution
Diocesan Council contacts:
Position |
Name |
School |
Chair | Cathy Condon | St Joseph's College |
Secretary | Jaime Fing | St Mary's College |
Diocesan Council general email address
Click here for Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office website
Brisbane Archdiocesan Council
About Us
The Archdiocese of Brisbane covers a geographical area that includes much of south-east Queensland spanning metropolitan Brisbane, the Gold and Sunshine coasts, west through Ipswich and the Lockyer and Brisbane valleys and through the South Burnett district and north to Childers.
The Brisbane Archdiocesan Council of Parents and Friends Association (BACoPaFA), operates as the Brisbane Catholic Parents and Friends and endeavours to support the 168 Parent & Friends’ Associations/School Communities in South-East Queensland.
The support aids and improves the flow of information between parents and the peak bodies that work with and represent parents and friends' at diocesan, state and national levels, this occurs by:
Interpretation and dissemination of information to schools in the diocese
Support for and focus on parent involvement and development across the diocese
Support for the Federation of P&F Associations Queensland in pursuing school community concerns in the diocese.
Provision of an advocacy service for school communities.
An executive member of BACoPaFA will act as a contact for each school in the archdiocese. It is important that each school is represented at the diocesan level and each school can have two voting members at the AGM and general meetings of the Brisbane Catholic Parents and Friends, so please become involved and feel free to contact us at any time.
Click here for the Brisbane Archdiocesan Constitution
Archdiocesan Council Contact:
David Gall
General Archdiocesan council email:
Click here for the Catholic Education Office- Brisbane Archdiocese